Is condensed milk a cooking ingredient or candy?
Depends on how you package it. Wrap the product into a flexible, pocketable tube. Tactile, vibrant, textured look. Put it in candy aisle, by the checkout counter. Run a fun ad or two. Same product, new category, new customers.
A simple concept that resonates - give packaging personality and make it fun. A maze that threads through primary display surface, a game for kids and their parents to enjoy while cooking.
Now a waffle, in a frame to draw on, a branding campaign encouraging interaction with the brand through social media.
Design was printed on the uncoated side of C1S paperboard. Ensuring warmth to the touch, vibrant color reproduction and a textured packaging surface that encouraged drawing on it.
Ultra System Sans was paired as a bold headline type with classic Akzidenz Grotesque for info panels, creating a modern, warm visual language.